For those who want to travel by train on Tangail to Gaibandha route, today we have brought all the train information. Those who are regular visitors of our website must know what kind of posts we post on our website and what kind of information we present in those posts.
If you visit our website regularly, you will surely know how much importance we take in detailing every information and how accurate that information is. We will try to present you the information on each train and schedule of that train which are running on Tangail to Gaibandha route.
Tangail to Gaibandha Train Intercity
Tangail to Gaibandha intercity trains run regularly on this route. Lalmonirhat Express Train will be a familiar name to those of you who have traveled this route regularly. This Lalmonirhat Express train runs regularly on this route and has been plying this route for a long time with great reputation.
The Lalmonirhat Express train has some special facilities, one of which is a separate room for prayers. Apart from this, there is a canteen facility which is a useful thing for the passengers on the way. This train is cleaned after every journey so that the passengers get a very clean environment inside. Passengers of all walks of life can travel in this train with ease.
Tangail to Gaibandha Train Schedule Intercity
Those of you who are interested to know about the Tangail to Gaibandha train schedule can get all the information from this section. An intercity express train called Lalmonirhat Express runs on Tangail to Gaibandha route. This train has been plying on this route for many days. Those of you who are regulars of this route are quite familiar with this train.
Lalmonirhat Express train will be on holiday every Friday as per government rules. That is, those of you who are going regularly on this route must carefully remember that the Lalmonirhat Express train will be closed every Friday. On other days of the week, this train runs regularly as per government rules and timings.
The departure time of Lalmonirhat Express train from Tangail station to Gaibandha station is scheduled at 23:40. If all goes well then this train is scheduled to depart and arrive at Gaibandha station at 5:37. As train traffic from East is very good at present, it is expected that the train will arrive at the station on time.
Tangail to Gaibandha Train Fare List
This section is specially made for those of you who are traveling by Tangail to Gaibandha train. Through this section you can know how much fare is fixed according to the train class of all the trains running on Tangail to Gaibandha route. We present these fares to you.
The fare of Lalmonirhat Express train running on Tangail to Gaibandha route is Rs.305. The rent of Shobhan chair is officially fixed at Rs.365. The first sheet fare is fixed at Rs 485 and the first berth fare is fixed at Rs 730.
For those looking for a more comfortable journey on the Tangail to Gaibandha route, Snigdha has been priced at Rs 605. AC seat fare is fixed at Rs 730 and AC bus fare is fixed at Rs 1090.