The best medium to reach Chapai Nawabganj from Rajshahi is train. Many will be surprised to hear this but those who have traveled by train from Rajshahi before will agree with me. Of course trains are a step ahead of other modes of transport and every train service available from Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj is very good.
Yes yes I tell you if you want to go from Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj you must travel by train. Although we can’t help you directly, we can help you by presenting the information on every train from Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj.
If you want to travel by train from Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj from now then take some time and pay attention to our complete article and know various information to make your journey better.
Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj Train
Today we will discuss about the trains that run from Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj. There are several intercity express trains plying from Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj and these trains are very good quality intercity express trains. Intercity express trains may be very familiar to those of you who travel this route regularly.
Currently, you can travel with Swadyam Ram when you travel on inter-city express trains. Because these inter-city express trains have some modern facilities. The amenities that a passenger enjoys will make him complete his journey with utmost pleasure. Of course you should try to travel on intercity express trains and travel with Arab.
Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj Train Schedule
Distance from Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj is about 83.5 km by rail. A total of four intercity express trains operate on the Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj route. The names of those intercity express trains are Varendra Express, Titumir Express, Banglabandha Express and Uttara Express. In our article Riranga we will now discuss all the information about the trains in detail.
Varendra Express 731
Varendra Express Intercity Train. Varendra Express runs regularly on Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj route. Barendra Express intercity train runs six days a week and has one day off weekly. That holiday is Sunday. Varendra Express departs from Rajshahi Railway Station at 3:01 and reaches Chapai Nawabganj Railway Station at 5:10.
Titumir Express 733
Titumir Express is an intercity train. Titumir Express runs regularly on Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj route. Titumir Express operates six days a week and is closed on Wednesdays. The train starts its journey at 6:20 and ends at 8:45.
Banglabandha Express 804
Banglabandha Express is a regular intercity train running on Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj route. Banglabandha Express operates six days a week and is closed on Saturdays. The train starts its journey at 9:15 AM and ends at 12:00 PM.
Uttara Express 31
Uttara Express is a regular intercity train running on Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj route. Uttara Express starts its journey at 12:30 and ends at 4:40.
Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj Train Fare List
The price lists of Barendra Express, Titumir Express and Uttara Express trains from Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj are fixed officially. We will mention them now.
Sobhan ticket price is 105 rupees. The ticket price of Shovan Chair is 125 rupees. First seat ticket price is Rs.165. And throne ticket price is 205 rupees.
Hope you have been able to know all the detailed information about Rajshahi to Chapai Nawabganj train schedule ticket price and fare list from our article.