Those traveling from Natore to Parvatipur have the option of traveling by several intercity trains and mail express trains. But if you don’t know the right information, then many times you miss these opportunities and suffer in the journey. We will present you all the trains from Natore to Parvatipur now and try to make the information correct.
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Natore Station Train Schedule
Natore to Parvatipur Train Schedule Intercity
There are several intercity train seats available for you to travel from Natore to Parvatipur. If you want to travel in these intercity trains then you can travel very well. We will now try to present you the train schedule and holidays together.
Ekta Express (705)
An intercity express train runs on this route from Natore to Parvatipur. You can go to specially allotted seats if you want. The scheduled time of departure of this train from Natore station is 15:10 and its scheduled time of arrival at Parvatipur station is 18:15. This train has no weekly holidays.
Rupasa Express (727)
An intercity express train which is closed on Thursdays and operates on other days from Natore to Parvatipur. You can book this Natore to Parvatipur train ticket for specially allotted seats. The scheduled departure time of this train from Natore station is 12:03 and its scheduled arrival time at Parvatipur station is 15:01.
Varendra Express (731)
This train is running regularly on this route. Although this train departs from Rajshahi, there is a special seat allocation for this train from Natore to Parvatipur. If you want, you can travel by this train regularly, this train is closed one day in a week on Sunday. The departure time of this train from Natore station is 16:18 and its arrival time at Parvatipur station is 19:20.
Titumir Express (733)
An intercity express train that departs from Rajshahi but from Natore will take you to Parvatipur with specially allotted seats. This train closes once a week on Wednesday and it leaves Natore station at 7:47 and reaches Parvatipur station at 11:10.
Frontier Express (747)
Operates every other day except Monday. Border Express train leaves Natore station at 1:55 and train arrival time at Parvatipur station is scheduled at 4:45.
Express (757)
No weekends, the departure time from the station is 0:28 and the arrival time at Parvatipur station is 3:15.
Nilsagar Express (765)
An intercity express train and Nilsagar Express plying on this route will be off every Monday. Nilsagar Express train leaves Natore station at 11:56 and reaches Parvatipur station at 14:15.
Natore to Parvatipur Train Fare List
If you want to travel by Natore to Parvatipur train then you need to know the train fare. The fare of Shobhan is fixed at Rs 135, the fare of Shobhan chair is fixed at Rs 160 and the fare of first seat is fixed at Rs 210. The fare for the first berth is Rs 315 and the second berth is Rs 265. Officially, AC seat fare is fixed at Rs.315 and AC berth is Rs.470.