For those of you who regularly travel by train from Gafargaon to Mymensingh, today’s paragraph is specially prepared with various information. In today’s paragraph you will know which trains run from Gafargaon to Mymensingh. Apart from this you will know about the schedule of these trains i.e. on which days of the week these trains will run and on which days they will be closed.
You can know more about this train schedule. From here you can know when this train will leave from which station and when it will arrive at which station. Apart from this, you will know about the fare of this train i.e. the ticket price. Those who are interested to know about this must read our complete article carefully and gather your required information from here.
Gafargaon to Mymensingh Intercity Train Schedule
If you are traveling in the intercity trains that run from Gafargaon to Mymensingh then you must know the time schedules. To know the schedule you have to pay attention to this section and remember the schedule from here. Also you will be able to know on which days the trains are closed.
Intercity trains have special amenities and special entertainment facilities. Facilities may include provision of canteen and provision of separate prayer rooms for offering prayers. You will definitely need all these travel essentials and if you get them in the train, your journey will be very good. We will present the schedule and schedule of this train to you now.
Teesta Express 707
Teesta Express is an intercity train. Teesta Express operates on Gafargaon to Mymensingh route regularly. Teesta Express operates six days a week and is closed on one holiday, Monday. Teesta Express departs Gafargaon Railway Station at 9:28 and reaches Mymensingh Railway Station at 12:40.
Brahmaputra Express 743
Brahmaputra Express is an intercity train. Brahmaputra Express runs regularly on Gafargaon to Mymensingh route. The Brahmaputra Express train runs seven days a week i.e. there is no holiday for this train. The train starts its journey at 8:12 and ends at 11:50.
Gafargaon to Mymensingh Train Schedule Mail Express
Those of you who travel on Gafargaon to Mymensingh mail express trains or those who are new must know about the train schedules of the mail express trains that ply on Gafargaon to Mymensingh route. We will discuss them now in this part of our article.
Mymensingh Commuter 47
Mymensingh Commuter is a mail express train. This train runs seven days a week and has no weekends. The train starts its journey at 8:07 and ends at 11:40.
Jamalpur Commuter 51
Jamalpur Commuter runs seven days a week and this train has no weekends. The train departs at 5:59 and ends at 10:15.
Wall Express 55
Wall Express runs seven days a week with no weekends. Wall Express starts its journey at 11:50 AM and ends at 5:45 PM.
Gafargaon to Mymensingh Train Fare List
Sobhan ticket price is 120 rupees. The ticket price for the decorated chair is Rs.145. First seat ticket price is Rs.195. Snigdha seat ticket price is Rs.276. And AC seat ticket price is 334 rupees.