Today we will mainly discuss about train ticket and fare related information for Dhaka to Dewanganj train journey. It is important to discuss this information because you will not usually find it here and there. Bro you have to go directly to the official website and find your required information from their various information.
It is very difficult and not many people can perform this entire process. However, we will present the information in this article in such a way that anyone who sees the information can understand it immediately and there is no need to search. Follow the above heading i.e. now we will discuss all the information about moving from Dhaka to Dewanganj so those of you who need to move from Dhaka then only read this article.
Dhaka to Dewanganj Train Schedule Intercity
Dhaka to Dewanganj Train Schedule Talking about intercity, first of all you may be asked which train you want to take. The main reason for asking is that Dhaka to Dewanganj has a large number of trains ie if you want to go from Dhaka to Dewanganj you will get many train options.
The reason being that you can go to Dewanganj on every train that goes from Dhaka to North Bengal and the trains that go from Dhaka to the southern part of the country. As this is a train junction and every friend stops here, a specific seat is allotted for Dewanganj. Passengers can travel in these trains if they want by buying tickets of specific seating arrangement so if you are one of them then you can travel in any intercity train.
Distance from Dhaka to Dewanganj is about 210 km. There are total two intercity trains on Dhaka to Dewanganj route, those two intercity trains are Sunderban Express and Chitra Express. These two intercity trains run regularly from Dhaka to Dewanganj. Let’s know all the details of these trains.
Sundarban Express 626
Sundarban Express is an intercity train. Sundarban Express runs regularly on Dhaka to Dewanganj route. Sundarban Express intercity train runs six days a week and is closed for 1 day that day is Wednesday. Sundarban Express intercity train leaves Dhaka Railway Station at 8:15 and reaches Dewanganj Railway Station at 01:00.
Chitra Express 764
Chitra Express is an intercity train. Chitra Express runs regularly on Dhaka to Dewanganj route. Chitra Express intercity train runs six days a week and is closed for 1 day which is Monday. That means you can complete your Chitra Express intercity train journey on any day other than Monday. Chitra Express departs from Dhaka Railway Station at 7:00 AM and arrives at Dewanganj Railway Station at 11:15 AM.
Dhaka to Dewanganj Train Fare List
This part of our article is very important for those of you who are regular train commuters from Dhaka to Dewanganj or those who are new. It is very important to know the train fare when traveling by train. We will discuss about train fare list in this part of our article. Those of you who are interested to know must pay attention to this part of our article.
Sobhan’s fare is 246 rupees. 295 rupees for the decorative chair. First seat fare is 390 rupees. First berth fare is Rs.585. Snigdha seat fare is Rs.490. AC seat fare is Rs.585. AC berth fare is Rs 880.