Today’s article is for those of you who are looking for different types of trains from Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka. Those of you who want to go by train from Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka can know which train options are available from this article. As always we are going to discuss various train information for a specific destination today.
You can know which trains are available for traveling from Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka only from this article. Apart from this you can know about the schedule of these trains. You must read these articles carefully to know when the trains arrive and leave the station.
Voirob Bazar to Dhaka Train Schedule Intercity
You can know in this part of our article which trains are running from Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka. By taking any train you can go from Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka. You can also get a better understanding of the train schedule of trains running from Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka. So let us now discuss the train schedule from Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka.
Egarsindur Prabhati (737)
You can travel from Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka by this intercity express train east of Egarsindur. Egarsindur Prabhati train is very good quality for regular travel. This train has a very pleasant atmosphere inside which you will love. As per Egarsindu morning train schedule this train will be closed every Wednesday. You can travel on this train on other days of the week except Wednesday. The scheduled departure time of Egarsindhur Prabhati train from Bhairab Bazar station is 9:06 minutes. If everything goes well, the scheduled arrival time of Egarsindur Prabhati train at Dhaka Bazar is 11:15 minutes.
Twilight of Egarsindur (749)
Egarsindur Twilight is another intercity express train and you can travel from Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka regularly in this express train. This train has no weekly holidays. You can travel by this train every day if you want. The scheduled departure time of Egarsindur twilight train from Bhairav Bazar station is 20:42 hrs. Estimated time of arrival at Egarsindur Twilight at Dhaka station is 22:45 minutes.
Dhaka Express (781)
You can go regularly from Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka by this intercity express train called Dhaka Express. This is a very good quality train for those of you who want to travel regularly from Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka. Every Friday is a holiday as per Dhaka Express train schedule. All activities of Dhaka Express train are closed every Friday. According to the schedule, the scheduled departure time of Dhaka Express train from Bhairav station is 12:40 minutes. If everything goes well, the scheduled arrival time of Dhaka Express train at Dhaka station is 15:00 minutes.
Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka Train Fare List
When you travel by train from Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka, you must know the train fare list in advance. If you don’t know the train fare list then you can face a lot of problems. Keeping that aspect in mind we have brought today the list of train fares from Bhairab Bazar to Dhaka. The ticket price is fixed at Rs 50 for Sobhan and Rs 60 for Sobhan Chair. First seat ticket price is Rs 90 and first berth is Rs 115. Sweetness 115 rupees. AC berth fare is fixed at Rs.133 and AC berth at Rs.200.