If you want to travel by train from Ullapara to Khulna, you will get several train options. But those who do not know anything about the train route and schedule in the case of traveling by train suffer on the journey. Because every train has a specific time and schedule, trains run according to that time and schedule.
First of all you need to know which train you will take to reach your specific destination, then know the schedule of that train. Next, you need to know the fare of the different classes of seats in that train. If you board or try to board the train without knowing the fare, you will make a mistake. We will discuss this in detail with you today and you will find this information here which will be very useful for you.
Ullapara to Khulna Train Intercity
There are no trains to go from every part of the country to every place, but there are special systems developed by which one can travel from one place to another by allocating special seats. Just like to go from Ullapara to Khulna you have to go through the scheduled allotted exit otherwise you cannot go. There are two intercity express trains.
To go to Khulna you have to take any one of these two intercity express trains and we will discuss the schedule of that train below. Both these trains have equally special facilities through which the passengers can complete the journey without any problem en route. We will read and discuss these issues in detail before you now we move to the main discussion.
Ullapara to Khulna Train Schedule Intercity
If you want to go from Ullapara to Khulna, you have two intercity express trains. You have to decide which train you will travel according to your time convenience but we have presented the schedule of these two trains in front of you. You can travel in the train which you want to go according to your convenience.
Sundarban Express (726)
To go from Ullapara to Khulna, you may need to take an intercity express train called Sundarban Express. This train has a fixed number of seats through which passengers can book and travel from Ullapara to Khulna if they want. However, as per government rules, Sundarban Express will be closed every Monday.
The official scheduled departure time of Sundarban Express from Ullapara station is 11:46. If everything goes well, this train will reach Khulna station via Ullapara at 17:40 hrs.
Chitra Express (764)
Another intercity express train runs on this route and its name is Chitra Express. Chitra Express train runs regularly but will be closed on Monday as this day is officially closed. Apart from this, you can book tickets for scheduled seats on Chitra Express inter-city express train on other days.
The scheduled departure time of Chitra Express from Ullapara station is 22:09 and if all goes well the scheduled arrival time of Chitra Express at Khulna station is 3:40.
Ullapara to Khulna Train Price List
Now you can know how much train fare is fixed from Ullapara to Khulna. Sobhan Tk 225, Sobhan Chair Tk 310, First Seat Tk 410, First Berth Tk 615, Snigdha Tk 510, AC Seat Tk 615, AC Berth Tk 920.