Are you looking for various train information or train schedule for Tangail to Dhaka? For you, we will try to present detailed train information from Tangail to Dhaka through our article. For those of you who travel this route regularly, it is important to know the schedule and travel accordingly.
You can easily go from Tangail to Dhaka by any train and we will tell you the schedule of that train. To know Tangail to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price list you must read our article completely and gather information from here. Hope you like our today’s information.
Tangail to Dhaka Train Schedule Intercity
You have five intercity train options for Tangail to Dhaka which you can choose according to your convenience and timing. But we will try to present all the information of these five trains and tell you the schedule.
Ekta Express (706)
An intercity express train. This train does not have any weekly holidays but it is regularly running every day with great reputation. The scheduled departure time of Ekta Express train from Tangail station is 5:46. Also the scheduled arrival time of Ekta Express train at Dhaka station is 6:50 minutes.
Lalmony Express (752)
Intercity trains are plying on this route. You can travel from Tangail to Dhaka by booking this train ticket. Although there is no direct train from Tangail to Dhaka but you can book scheduled tickets for this train. The weekend for this train is Friday. The scheduled departure time of this train from Tangail station is 17:50 and its arrival time at Dhaka station is 18:47.
SilkCity Express (754)
Inter-city express trains are running regularly on this route. The Silkcity Express train is closed every Sunday. This train runs regularly and has a fixed schedule. The scheduled departure time of this train from Tangail station is 11:09 and arrival time at Dhaka station is 12:55.
Padma Express (760)
A very famous train. This train is running regularly on this route and will be closed every Tuesday. The scheduled time of departure of Padma Express from Tangail station is 19:25 and the scheduled time of arrival at Dhaka station is 20:34.
Sirajganj Express 775
Intercity trains run regularly on this route from Tangail to Dhaka. Although there is no direct train from Tangail to Dhaka, you can travel according to the scheduled ticket of this train. The scheduled holiday of Sirajganj Express is Saturday. The scheduled time of departure of this train from Tangail station is 7:52 and the scheduled time of arrival at Dhaka station is 9:15.
Tangail to Dhaka Train Fare List
You must know the fare of the train from Tangail to Dhaka. If you travel without knowing the fare, you may face problems many times. The rent of Shobhan is officially fixed at 65 rupees and the rent of Shobhan chair is officially fixed at 75 rupees. The fare for the first seat is 100 rupees and the fare for the first berth is 150 rupees. Snigdha’s fare is 125 rupees. The rent of AC seat is 150 rupees and AC berth is 225 rupees.
The above mentioned fares are the official fixed fares and you can book the tickets from the nearest ticket counter or online as per these fares and travel comfortably on this route.