Many people travel by train from Sylhet to Chittagong. A large number of people travel daily from the port city of Chittagong to the tourist area of Sylhet. Different people may have different needs but there are a handful of modes of transportation. You can travel by direct bus if you want and you can also travel by train if you want.
We have brought various information for all the passengers from Sylhet to Chittagong today. In this information, we have tried to include various train schedules and timetables and along with this we have tried to present the train ticket prices for you.
This information is very important for a train passenger and only those who have suffered in the past know the importance of this information. We are not exaggerating, we are going straight to the point of our discussion. But readers are requested to read the entire article carefully with patience.
Sylhet to Chittagong Intercity Train
This part of our paragraph is very important for those of you who travel regularly from Sylhet to Chittagong or those who are new. We will discuss in this part of our article all the detailed information about Sylhet to Chittagong Intercity Train Schedules. If you read this part of our article completely, then you will surely know all the information about Sylhet to Chittagong intercity trains holidays and schedule.
Now we will show you the intercity trains that are available for traveling from Sylhet to Chittagong train at different times. You know that these inter-city trains can be the main choice for those who want to travel regularly from Sylhet to Chittagong and traveling in these inter-city trains can be very comfortable, so let’s talk about it.
There is no mail express train running on Sylhet to Chittagong route. All the trains plying on this route are intercity trains. There are two intercity express trains running on Sylhet to Chittagong route, the two intercity express trains are Paharika Express 720 and Udyan Express 724.
Paharika Express 7 20
Paharika Express is an intercity train. Paharika Express runs regularly on Sylhet to Chittagong route. The Paharika Express intercity train runs six days a week and has a holiday on one day. That holiday is Saturday. That means you can complete your journey on Paharika Express intercity train on any day other than Saturday. Paharika Express intercity train leaves Sylhet railway station at 10:15 and reaches Chittagong railway station at 7:35.
Udyan Express 724
Udyan Express is an intercity train. Udyan Express runs regularly on Sylhet to Chittagong route. The Udyan Express intercity train runs six days a week and the one day the train is officially closed is Sunday. That means you can complete your Udyan Express intercity train journey on any day other than Sunday. Udyan Express intercity train departs from Sylhet railway station at 9:40 and reaches Chittagong railway station at 06:00.
Sylhet to Chittagong train fare list
Those of you who are interested in knowing the fare lists of Sylhet to Chittagong train must pay attention to this part of our article. In this part of our article we will now discuss the fare lists of Sylhet to Chittagong train which are officially determined.
Sobhan’s rent is 315 rupees. Sobhan chair rent is 375 rupees. First seat fare is Rs 500 and Snigdha seat fare is Rs 719. AC seat fare is Rs.1288.