If you want to go by train from Santahar to Dhaka then you can know which train you need to catch and the schedule or schedule of that train from our article today. We hope that the topics we are dealing with in train travel are very important so that we can win the hearts of the readers.
We always try to create our articles based on the needs of the readers so that you visit our website regularly and love our website as you get the information you want. Today we are going to discuss about Santahar to Dhaka train schedules and timetables along with the ticket prices.
Santahar to Dhaka Train Schedule Intercity
Several intercity trains run from Santahar to Dhaka. You never know which train you will be traveling on. To know which train you can travel according to your time, you need to read our article. Hope we can present information as per your need and demand. Let’s know about the train schedule.
Ekta Express (706)
Ekta Express is an intercity express train. This train is running regularly from Santahar to Dhaka. This train does not have weekend days i.e. this train runs daily. Ekta Express train has assigned seats in which passengers can travel from Santahar to Dhaka.
The scheduled departure time of Ekta Express train from Santahar Station is 2:10. The scheduled departure time of Ekta Express train from Dhaka station is 6:50. This is the scheduled time of this train.
Lalmony Express Train (752)
Lalmoni Express train is a very famous train. The closing day of Lalmoni Express train is Friday i.e. this train will provide its service every day except Friday. Lalmoni Express train will leave the station at 13:55 and reach Dhaka station at 18:47.
Express (758)
Another inter-city express train on the passenger’s list of favorites is the Dartiyaan Express train. The special feature of this high-speed express train is that it runs every day of the week, meaning there is no off day for this train. So passengers can travel in this train very nicely every day.
There are certain schedules of express trains that run regularly as per the schedule. The scheduled time of departure of the Express train from Santahar station is 13:10 and if all goes well the scheduled time of arrival at Dhaka station is 17:55.
Nilsagar Express (766)
Nilsagar Express train is running regularly on this route. Nilsagar Express train weekend is Sunday. Nilsagar Express trains will provide regular passenger services except Sundays. This is the Nilsagar Express train holiday.
The scheduled time of departure of Nilsagar Express train from Santahar station is 23:34 and if all goes well the scheduled time of arrival at Dhaka station is 4:47. If you have to travel by train, you must follow these rules.
Santahar to Dhaka Train Fare List
If you want to travel by train from Santahar to Dhaka then you must check the train fares. Sobhon rent is 275 rupees, Sobhon chair rent is 330 rupees. The first seat fare is Rs 440 and the first berth is Rs 660. Sweetness 550 rupees. AC seat fare is Rs.600 and AC berth is Rs.985.
You can buy tickets online or at the nearest station according to the above mentioned fare. Hope this way you all can travel by train to your destination and travel safely.