Through this post you can know the detailed information of the trains that run from Ishwardi to Rajshahi. Many times we have to travel on other trains due to the train which we regularly travel being missed or closed. But then if you have any idea about other trains then how you can travel by other trains.
Also, in the case of traveling by rail, you must know the different information of different trains, if you ever feel the need, then you can use that information to organize your journey beautifully. Today we will be informed through this article about the schedule and schedule of every train that runs from Ishwardi to Rajshahi.
Ishwardi to Rajshahi Intercity Train
There are several inter-city express trains running from Ishwardi to Rajshahi, you can travel by any train if you want. Only then the trains that run from Ishwardi to Rajshahi have different schedules and you have to travel according to this schedule. Trains run at different times of the day so you have to schedule one of them.
We are trying to present you the schedule and schedule of every train so that you can plan your journey as per your convenience. Those who are interested to know Ishwari to Rajshahi train schedule and timetable must read our complete article carefully.
Ishwardi to Rajshahi Train Schedule Intercity
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again if you’re going to travel by train, definitely opt for intercity trains. If you want to travel from Ishwardi to Rajshahi by intercity train then you have three train options. We have discussed this train separately in train schedule and schedule section below. We hope this information will be useful for you.
Kapotaksha Express (715)
There is an inter-city express train called Kapotaksh Express which you can travel from Ishwardi to Rajshahi. As it is an intercity express train, this train has a weekly closing day and that closing day is Tuesday. The scheduled departure time of Kapotaksh Express train from Ishwardi station is 10:35 minutes and the scheduled arrival time of this train at Rajshahi station is 12:00 minutes.
Madhumati Express (755)
Madhumati Express train is a familiar face to those who travel regularly from Ishwardi to Rajshahi. You can travel very comfortably from Ishwardi to Rajshahi in this Madhumati Express train. Weekly closing day of Madhumati Express train is Thursday. Scheduled time of Madhumati Express train departure from Ishwardi station is 18:50 minutes and if everything goes well the scheduled arrival time of this train at Rajshahi station is 20:20 minutes.
Sagardani Express (761)
Sagardani Express is the latest intercity express train running on Ishwardi to Rajshahi route. You know that the weekly closing day of Sagardani Express train is Monday. Sagardani Express train will leave the station at 20:30 hrs. If everything goes well then scheduled arrival time of Sagardani Express train at Rajshahi station is 22:00 minutes.
Ishwardi to Rajshahi Train Fare List
If you want to travel from Ishwardi to Rajshahi by train, then you must have an idea about the train fare. Sobhan has been hired for 60 rupees. The fare for Shobhan chair is Rs 75, First seat is Rs 95, Snigdha is Rs 120 and AC seat is Rs 145.