Khulna to Santahar train schedule ticket price and fare list
You want to travel from Khulna to Santahar by train and you want to travel by train for the first time. You don’t know how to go by train from Khulna to Santahar and how to collect train tickets. Apart from this you also don’t know when the trains will leave and arrive at Shantar station. You also don’t know how many ticket prices are fixed for trains from Khulna to Santahar according to different seat arrangements.
All this can be a simple solution for us today. Through the article you will get answers to only so many questions in one place and get this information correctly. We are mainly dealing with people who are brand new train commuters and know nothing in terms of information. But they are adept at collecting various information through online. If you are one of them then you must read our article carefully.
We collect the information directly from the official website and try to arrange them nicely for our readers. We are very simple white and explain the previous ones so that you can know all the information in detail at a glance.
Khulna to Santahar intercity train
To go from Khulna to Santahar you must choose intercity trains as your first choice. We will present the information about the intercity trains running from Khulna to Santahar AJ. So hope all of you who need it can gather the information from here. So let’s move to our main discussion.
Rupasa Express 727
Rupsa Express is an intercity train. Rupsa Express runs regularly on Khulna to Santahar route. Rupsa Express intercity train operates six days out of seven days of the week and has one day off with the closure day being Thursday. You can complete your Rupsa Express intercity train journey on any other day of the week except Thursday. Rupsa Express intercity train departs from Khulna railway station at 7:10 and reaches Santahar railway station at 1:00.
Frontier Express 747
Border Express is an intercity train. Border Express runs regularly on this Khulna to Santahar route. The border express intercity train operates seven days a week and is closed for one day which is Monday. Border Express intercity train leaves Khulna railway station at 9:15 and reaches Santahar railway station at 2:50.
Khulna to Santahar Train Schedule Mail Express
This part of our article is for those of you who like to travel by Khulna to Santahar Mail Express Trains or those who are new. We will discuss the schedule of mail express trains running from Khulna to Santahar in our section of the article. Those of you who want to know must check this part of our article.
Rocket Express
Rocket Express is a mail express train. Rocket Express operates regularly on this route from Khulna to Santahar. Rocket Express runs seven days a week, meaning there are no weekends for this train. Rocket Express departs from Khulna Railway Station at 9:30 and reaches Santahar Railway Station at 7:20.
Khulna to Santahar Train Fare List
Those of you who are interested to know the fare list of Khulna to Santahar train, please refer to this section.
Ornaments 275 rupees. Decorative chair Rs.225. First sheet Rs.435. First berth Rs.650. Sweetness 545 Rs. AC set 650 rupees. AC berth Rs.975.