If you want to travel from Dinajpur to Parvatipur by train then you must know the train schedule and ticket price. If you do not know or understand this matter well then you may have to face trouble in many cases. For your convenience, I have brought this detailed article about Dinajpur to Parvatipur train schedule and ticket price.
There are direct trains from Dinajpur to Parvatipur but these trains also go to other destinations. But you can travel very comfortably by booking a ticket from Dinajpur to Parvatipur. Today we will give you an idea about the schedule of every train that comes from Dinajpur to Parvatipur. We will try to make this information as detailed as possible for you to understand.
Dinajpur to Parvatipur Train Schedule Intercity
Those traveling from Dinajpur to Parvatipur by train have several intercity train options. You can travel by any of these trains as per your time and convenience. But how do you know about the schedule of so many trains? You don’t have to stress you can know the schedule of every train just by reading our article.
Ekta Express (706)
Intercity trains are running regularly on this route. Even though Ekta Express train is an intercity train, this train has no weekly holidays. Passengers can travel by one train per day. Ekta Express train is scheduled to leave Dinajpur station at 23:04 and if all goes well the scheduled time of arrival at Parvatipur station is 23:50.
Express (758)
Another intercity express train. It is an intercity express train that runs every day of the week. The scheduled time of departure of the Express train from Dinajpur station is 10:04 and if all goes well the scheduled time of arrival at Parvatipur station is 11:01.
Dolanchampa Express (768)
The inter-city express train carries thousands of passengers daily from Dinajpur to Parvatipur. Passengers regularly board the Dolanchampa Express as the journey on this short road is extremely comfortable. Sunday is the weekend of Dolanchampa Express. This train leaves Dinajpur station at 6:05 and reaches Parvatipur station at 7:01.
Panchagarh Express (794)
Another intercity express train. Panchagarh Express train runs from Dinajpur to Parvatipur daily with many passengers. Panchagarh Express train has no weekends. Panchagarh Express train will leave Dinajpur station at 14:20 and reach Parvatipur station at 15:15.
Banglabandha Express (808)
Latest Intercity Express Trains. Banglabandha Express trains are regularly serving the passengers of Dinajpur and Parvatipur areas. Traveling by Banglabandha Express train is very comfortable. Banglabandha Express train will be closed one day a week on Saturday. The scheduled time of departure of this train from Dinajpur station is 10:45 and the scheduled time of arrival at Parvatipur station is 11:38 if all goes well.
Dinajpur to Parvatipur Train Schedule Mail Express
Two mail express runs from Dinajpur to Parvatipur. Kanchan commuter train will leave Dinajpur station at 15:55 and reach Parvatipur station at 16:50. Panchagarh Computer (2) will leave Dinajpur station at 20:45 and reach Parvatipur station at 21:35.
Dinajpur to Parvatipur Train Fare List
You need to know that Dinajpur to Parvatipur train fare has been fixed by the government. Shown 45 rupees and show chair 50 rupees rent has been fixed. The first seat fare is Rs 90 and the first berth is Rs 110. AC seats are priced at Tk 110, AC berth Tk 130 and Snigdha Tk 100.