If you are looking for Dhaka to Joydevpur train information or want to know the schedule then you will be given various related information through our article. We will not only tell you the train name, train schedule, train holidays and train fares.
You can know so much only through one article and we will try to present any information beyond it. To know the schedule and ticket price of the trains that run from Dhaka to Joydevpur, you must read our article completely and collect the information here and use it for yourself.
Dhaka to Joydebpur Train Schedule
If you want to go from Dhaka to Joydevpur then you must choose an intercity express train. The reason to opt for intercity express train is because it is a long route and you have to travel a long distance so you must take a good quality train so that you reach your destination on time. There is no way you will reach your destination on time if you take the mail express.
Considering that aspect, you have the option of traveling by two intercity express trains at two different times for Dhaka to Joydevpur. Now we will discuss about the schedule of these two intercity express trains and on which days these trains will be closed in the below part of this article. Those of you who want to know about this should follow us.
Dhaka to Joydevpur Train Schedule Intercity
In this part we are going to discuss about the train schedule of Ishwari to Joydevpur trains. You have already been told that there are two intercity express trains plying from Dhaka to Joydevpur and these two intercity express trains are Sundarban Express and Chitra Express. Know now the closing days and timings of these two trains leaving the station and arriving at the station.
Sundarban Express train is running regularly from Dhaka to Joydevpur station and this train is running regularly. There are reserved seats from Dhaka to Joydevpur where the passengers can buy tickets and travel in the train. Sundarban Express train will be closed every Tuesday as per government rules.
The scheduled departure time of Sundarban Express train from Dhaka station is 2:15. At present the trains are traveling on time due to which it is expected to leave the station at certain times. The scheduled arrival time of this train at Joydevpur station is 5:57.
Chitra Express (763)
This is another intercity express train running regularly on this route from Dhaka to Joydevpur. This train is running on other days of the week except Monday as per government norms and serving the passengers in the region. If you have traveled by Chitra Express train then you will know that traveling in this train is very fun.
The scheduled departure time of Chitra Express train from Dhaka station is 13:15. If all goes well then this train is expected to arrive at Joydevpur station at 17:10 hrs. Currently train timings are fixed and trains are trying to run during this time.
Dhaka to Joydevpur Train Fare List
Now you will know the fare which is officially fixed according to seat arrangement for Dhaka to Joydevpur. The rent of Shobhan is fixed at 220 rupees, the rent of Shobhan chair is 265 rupees. The first seat fare is Rs 355 and the first berth is Rs 530. Sweetness 440 rupees. AC seat Rs 530 and AC berth Rs 790.