There are definitely several trains from Dhaka to Chittagong. Those of you who want to travel by regular train from Dhaka to Chittagong have the opportunity to collect various information through this paragraph. This information will be useful to you as well as you can make your train journeys much easier by using the information. Considering all aspects, we have tried to arrange our articles which will meet your needs.
From today’s article, a reader will know which train you need to catch to go from Dhaka to Chittagong. Choosing the train is a key and very important matter. Since you have to book tickets in advance, you must select the train correctly and have an idea about the schedule and schedule of that train. Many people do not understand or know this information in detail by using train apps or entering the train website, but through our article you can know the information in a very simple way.
Dhaka to Chittagong Intercity Train Schedule
This part of our article is very important for those of you who travel regularly or prefer Dhaka to Chittagong Intercity Trains. In this part of our article we will now discuss about the Intercity Trains Schedules of Dhaka to Chittagong Intercity Trains.
Golden Express 702
Suvarna Express is an intercity train. Subarna Express runs regularly on Dhaka to Chittagong route. The Suvarna Express intercity train runs six days a week and is closed on Mondays. Subarna Express leaves Dhaka Railway Station at 4:47 and arrives Chittagong Railway Station at 9:50.
Mahanagar Prabhati 704
An intercity train east of the metropolis. Mahanagar Prabhati operates regularly on the Dhaka to Chittagong route. The Mahanagar Prabhati Intercity Express train runs seven days a week, that is, as this train has no weekly holidays, you can get the Mahanagar Prabhati train ticket any day of the week according to the train schedule. Mahanagar Prabhati leaves Dhaka Railway Station at 7:45 and reaches Chittagong Railway Station at 9:50.
Mahanagar Express 722
Mahanagar Express runs regularly on this route. The Mahanagar Express intercity train operates six days a week and is closed on Sundays. It arrives at the railway station at 4:50 PM.
Trina Express 742
Trina Express runs regularly on Dhaka to Chittagong route. Trina Express operates seven days a week, meaning there are no weekends for this train. Trina Express leaves Dhaka Railway Station at 12:30 and reaches Chittagong Railway Station at 6:20.
Sonar Bangla Express 788
Sonar Bangla Express runs regularly on this route. Sonar Bangla Express operates six days a week and is closed on Wednesdays. Sonar Bangla Express leaves Dhaka Railway Station at 7:01 and reaches Chittagong Railway Station at 12:15.
Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule Mail Express
Chittagong Mail 02
Chittagong regularly operates on this route. Chittagong runs seven days a week, that is, this train does not have a weekend. Chittagong Girl departs from Dhaka Railway Station at 10:30 AM and reaches Chittagong Railway Station at 7:25 AM.
Karnaphuli Express 4
Karnaphuli Express runs regularly on this route. Karnaphuli Express runs seven days a week. Karnaphuli Express starts its journey at 1:01 and ends at 8:50.
Dhaka to Chittagong train fare list
Sobhan’s rent is 250 rupees. Decorative chair Rs.345. First sheet Rs.460. First berth Rs.685. Snigdha 656 Rs. AC seat Rs 788.