If you don’t know which train to travel from Chuadanga to Ullapara and what are the timetables and fares of those trains, how can you travel by those trains? For those who travel this route regularly, these issues are quite simple but for those who are new to this route, these issues are very complex.
And if any information related to trains is searched then it is not so easy to find the right information and find it everywhere. We have tried to present the information as per the official website carefully on our website so that a reader can easily collect the desired information when he enters our website.
Chuadanga to Ullapara Train Intercity
There are 2 intercity trains from Chuadanga to Ullapara. These two inter-city trains have some special facilities due to which the ridership is increasing tremendously from earlier to now. If you travel in this train, you will get a separate prayer room for praying.
Apart from this, the train has a canteen facility where passengers can satisfy their hunger and travel comfortably. Compared to the past, passengers can travel very comfortably as the interior of the train is very clean and the toilet is of very good quality. You can also travel by these trains if you want.
Chuadanga to Ullapara Train Schedule Intercity
Those looking to travel by train from Chuadanga to Ullapara have two intercity train options. You can travel by the train which suits your time and convenience. We will now mention each train schedule and train holidays here. I am informing you that the travel distance from Chuadanga to Ullapara by train is about 167 km.
Sundarban Express (725)
Sundarban Express is a familiar name to those who travel by Chuadanga to Ullapara train. There are some special facilities due to which the passengers travel in this train very comfortably. This train has a weekend and that weekend was Tuesday. Those of you who will travel can travel on other days except Tuesday.
The scheduled departure time of Sundarban Express train at Chuadanga is 0:53 which means the train will depart from the station according to this time. Scheduled time of arrival of Sundarban Express train at Ullapara station is 3:36.
Chitra Express (763)
Chitra Express is a very old intercity express train plying on this route and regular passengers can travel very well in this train. Chitra Express weekend is Monday. Those traveling by Chitra Express train can travel except Monday.
Scheduled departure time of Chitra Express train from Chuadanga station is 11:46 which means Chitra Express train will leave Chuadanga station at this time. Chitra Express will arrive at Ishwardi station at 14:30 ie this is the rule of arrival at Ishwardi station as per govt rules.
Chuadanga to Ullapara Train Fare List
To know Chuadanga to Ullapara train fare now read our section. The fare of Shobhan is fixed at Rs 105 and the fare of Shobhan Chair is fixed at Rs 125. The first seat fare is fixed at Rs 170 and the first berth is fixed at Rs 250. Also the fare of Snigdha is fixed at Rs 210 and the fare of AC seat is fixed at Rs 250. AC berth is fixed at Rs.375.