There are definitely several trains from Sylhet to Srimangal. But you all know that there is no separate direct train from Sylhet to Srimangal. So the biggest question for those who are new is which train you can take to go from Sylhet to Srimangal. We are going to solve this important question through our article.
I will now briefly discuss what those of you who will read our entire article will know. First of all you will know which train you need to take from Sylhet station to go to Srimangal from Sylhet. The most important thing and you will know this matter through our article. Apart from this you can know about the schedule and schedule of all these trains. Finally you will know about the ticket price of all these trains.
Sylhet to Srimangal Train Schedule
If you want to travel from Sylhet to Srimangal by train then you need to know which trains are going from Sylhet to Srimangal. Presently intercity express trains are running from Sylhet to Srimangal, we will present the schedule of these intercity trains to you now. Those of you who are interested must read our paragraph till the end and stay with us.
Parawat Express 710
Parawat Express is an intercity train. Parabat Express runs regularly on Sylhet to Srimangal route. The Parabat Express intercity train runs six days a week and has one weekend off. That holiday is Tuesday. That is, you can travel from Sylhet to Srimangal by Parabat Express train on any day other than Tuesday. The Parabat Express train starts its journey at 3:45 and reaches Srimangal railway station at 8:30.
Jayantika Express 718
Jayantika Express is an intercity train. Jayantika Express runs regularly on Sylhet to Srimangal route. Jayantika Express train runs seven days a week and one day is a holiday for this train. That holiday is Thursday. That means you can complete your journey on Jayantika Express intercity train on any day other than Thursday. Jayantika Express intercity train starts its journey at 8:40 and ends at 2:16.
Sylhet to Srimangal Train Schedule Mail Express
This part of our article is very important for those of you who want to travel Sylhet to Srimangal mail express trains or those who are new. Mail express trains that run from Sylhet to Srimangal We will now discuss in detail about those mail express trains in this part of our article. Those of you who want to know about Mail Express Trains must read our article till the end and stay with us.
Surma Mail
Surma Mail Express train runs regularly on Sylhet to Srimangal route. Those of you who are willing to travel by mail express train from Sylhet to Srimangal can complete your journey with this Surma mail express train very comfortably. Mail Express trains usually run 7 days a week ie Mail Express trains do not have any weekly holidays. Surma Mail Express train starts its journey at 6:45 and reaches its destination at 4:25.
Sylhet to Srimangal train fare list
Those of you who travel by Sylhet to Srimangal train must know about Sylhet to Srimangal train fare list.
Shobhan seat ticket price is Rs 175 and Shobhan chair ticket price is fixed at Rs 205. First seat ticket price is 275 rupees and first berth ticket price is 410 rupees. The ticket price for soft seat is Rs.390. AC seat ticket price is Rs 472 and AC berth ticket price is Rs 700.