There are definitely several trains from Rajshahi to Jaipurhat. But you all know that there is no separate direct train from Rajshahi to Jaipurhat. So the biggest question for those who are new is which train you can take from Rajshahi to Jaipurhat. We are going to solve this important question through our article.
I will now briefly discuss what you who read this article may know. First of all you will know which train you need to take from Rajshahi station to go to Jaipurhat from Rajshahi. The most important thing and you will know this matter through our article. Apart from this, you can know about the schedule and schedule of all these trains. Finally you will know about the ticket price of all those trains.
Rajshahi to Jaipurhat Train Schedule
If you want to travel from Rajshahi to Jaipurhat by train, then you need to know which trains are running from Rajshahi to Jaipurhat. Currently there are three intercity express trains running from Rajshahi to Jaipurhat. Many of you may know that to go from Rajshahi to Jaipurhat by train, you have to cross about 70 km of railway.
Varendra Express 731
If you want to go from Rajshahi to Jaipurhat then you can easily go by Barendra Express train. Varendra Express is an intercity train. It is one of the inter-city trains. You can easily travel in this train from Rajshahi to Jaipurhat according to the scheduled seating arrangement.
Varendra Express intercity train departs from Rajshahi railway station at 3:10 am. And this train reaches Jaipurhat railway station at 6:10 PM. Varendra Express intercity train runs six days a week and has one day off. That holiday is Sunday. That is, this train is closed on Sundays, except Sundays, you can complete your journey on Barendra Express Intercity Train on any other day of the week.
Titumir Express 733
Titumir Express is an intercity train. Titumir Express runs regularly on Rajshahi to Jaipurhat route. Titumir Express intercity train operates six days a week with one day off. That holiday is Wednesday. That means you can complete your journey of Titumir Express intercity train on any day other than Wednesday. Titumir Express intercity train departs from Rajshahi Railway Station at 6:20 AM and reaches Jaipurhat Railway Station at 9:38 AM.
Uttara Express 31
Uttara Express is an intercity train. Uttara Express runs regularly on Rajshahi to Jaipurhat route. Uttara Express intercity train runs seven days a week i.e. there is no weekend day for this train, you can complete your journey on any day of the week as per the schedule of Uttara Express intercity train. Uttara Express intercity train departs from Rajshahi railway station at 12:30 and reaches Jaipurhat railway station at 6:30.
Rajshahi to Jaipurhat Train Fare List
This part of our article is very important for those of you who are traveling Rajshahi to Jaipurhat train or those who are new. In the case of traveling by train, you must know about the train fare lists. If you do not know anything about the train fare lists, then you have to suffer a lot while traveling. So it is necessary to know the rent lists. The train fares are usually fixed by the government and we will discuss them now.
Shobhan tickets are priced at Rs 130 and Shobhan chair tickets are priced at Rs 155. First seat ticket price is Rs 205 and AC seat ticket price is Rs 255.