Today’s paragraph is for those who travel by train from Poradah to Khulna. Through this section a passenger can collect the particular information required for the train from Poradah to Khulna. Today’s information may be useful for those of you who plan to travel this route regularly.
There are several intercity trains that run from Poradah to Khulna. We will discuss with you about those trains and inform you about the timetable and schedule of those trains. To know Poradah to Khulna train schedule and ticket price you must read our complete paragraph carefully.
Poradah to Khulna Train Schedule Intercity
Poradah to Khulna Intercity Trains Now you can get detailed information about that train schedule and holidays. We have tried to arrange the correct information in a nice way so that you can easily understand the information and plan your journey accordingly.
This train called Kapotaksha Express runs regularly on this route and is closed on Tuesdays. This train runs every day except Tuesday. Scheduled departure time of Kapotaksha Express train from Poradah station is 4:25 minutes. And the estimated time of arrival at Khulna station is 8:10 minutes.
This train called Sundarban Express runs regularly on the route from Poradah to Khulna. This train operates six days a week and Wednesday is a train weekend. The train departs Poradah railway station at 2:10 minutes and reaches Khulna railway station at 2:14 minutes.
This train called Rupsa Express runs regularly on the route from Poradah to Khulna. This train runs six days a week. Rupasa Express is closed on Thursdays. This train departs from Poradah railway station at 3:09 and reaches Khulna railway station at 6:30.
This train called Shimonda Express runs regularly on the route from Poradah to Khulna. This train runs six days a week. This train has a holiday on Monday. The train starts its journey at 12:47 and reaches its destination at 7:10.
This train called Sagardandi Express runs regularly on the route from Poradah to Khulna. The train runs six days a week and is closed on Mondays. The train starts its journey at 8:40 and reaches its destination at 12:10.
This train called Chitra Express runs regularly on the route from Poradah to Khulna. The train operates six out of seven days a week and Monday is a train holiday. Chitra Express starts its journey at 12:16 and ends at 3:40.
Poradah to Khulna Train Schedule Mail Express
The Mahananda Express train runs regularly on the route from Poradah to Khulna. This train starts its journey at 10:47 and reaches its destination at 4:40.
The train called Rocket Express runs regularly on this route. Mail Express trains run seven days a week. This train starts its journey at 7:20 AM and ends its journey at 11:45 AM.
The train called Nakshi Kantha Express runs regularly on this route. Mail Express trains run seven days a week. The train starts its journey at 4:45 and ends at 10:10.
Poradah to Khulna train fare list
Ornaments 155 rupees. Decorative chair Rs.185. First seat 245 rupees. AC seat 370 rupees.