If you don’t know which train to travel from Natore to Tangail and what is the schedule and fare of those trains then how can you travel by those trains. For those who travel this route regularly, these matters are quite simple, but for those who are new to this route, matters are very complicated.
And if any information related to trains is searched then it is not so easy to get the right information and find it everywhere. We have tried to present the information on our website according to the official website so that a reader can easily collect the desired information when he enters our website.
Natore to Tangail Intercity Train
There are several intercity trains from Natore to Tangail. Intercity trains have some special facilities due to which the number of passengers is increasing tremendously than before. If you travel in this train, you will get a separate prayer room for praying.
Apart from this, these trains have canteen facilities where the passengers can satisfy their hunger on the way and can travel comfortably. Compared to the past, the interior of the train is very clean and the toilets are of very good quality, so the passengers can travel very comfortably. You can travel by these trains if you want.
Natore to Tangail Train Schedule
Those of you who wish to travel by Natore to Tangail train must know the detailed information about the intercity trains plying on this route. Let’s find out.
Ekta Express 706
Ekta Express is an intercity train. Ekta Express operates regularly on Natore to Tangail route. Ekta Express operates seven days a week. Ekta Express intercity train starts its journey from Natore railway station at 3:12 and reaches Tangail railway station at 5:46.
Lalmoni Express 752
Lalmony Express is an intercity train. Lalmoni Express plies regularly on Natore to Tangail route. Lalmoni Express runs six days a week and trains stop on Fridays. Lalmoni Express starts its journey at 2:46 and ends at 5:50.
Express 758
Dartyan Express is an intercity train. Dartyan Express runs regularly on Natore to Tangail route. The Express runs seven days a week. The train starts its journey at 2:04 and ends at 4:57.
Nilsagar Express 766
Nilsagar Express is an intercity train. Nilsagar Express runs regularly on Natore to Tangail route. Nilsagar Express runs six days a week and the train is closed only on Sundays. The train starts its journey at 12:16 and ends at 3:15.
Natore to Tangail Train Ticket Price List
Those of you who are traveling by Natore to Tangail train or those who are new must know about the Natore to Tangail train fare list. The ticket price is decided by the government according to the seat arrangement of the trains. We will now present the ticket prices separately according to the seat arrangement.
Sobhan seat ticket price is fixed at 195 rupees. The ticket price for Shovan Chair seats is fixed at Rs.235. First seat ticket price is fixed at Rs.310. Snigdha seat ticket price is fixed at 390 rupees. AC seat ticket price is fixed at Rs 465 and AC berth seat ticket price is fixed at Rs 695.