Jessore to Rajshahi Train Schedule Today 2023 Ticket Price, Time, Booking

If you want to go to Rajshahi from Jessore you can use train and travel by train very easily. To get all the information about the trains that run from Jessore to Rajshahi, you have to take some trouble and complete this article and collect various information from here.

You can know from this article about the schedule and ticket price of each train that runs from Jessore to Rajshahi. I will try to give you details about this. Now we will bring you the information on every intercity and mail express train.

Jessore to Rajshahi Train Schedule Intercity

The distance by rail from Jessore to Rajshahi is 95 km. Those of you who travel this route regularly may know a lot about the train but the new passengers on this route are not aware of various train details. We will give you an idea of all the train schedules today.

Kapotaksha Express (715)

An intercity express train and this train is plying on this route regularly. This train has fixed schedule and fixed fare. All operations of Kapotaksha Express train are closed on every Tuesday. The scheduled departure time of this train from Jessore station is 7:23 and its arrival time at Rajshahi station is 9:37 hrs.

Sundarban Express (725)

Inter-city express trains ply on this route. This train is very familiar to those of you who travel this route regularly. Sundarban Express train stops all its operations every Tuesday. The scheduled departure time of Sundarban Express train from Jessore station is 23:10 and the scheduled time of arrival at Rajshahi station is 1:32.

Rupasa Express (727)

An intercity express train, this train has fixed timetables. If you want to travel by this regular train, you have to remember that every Thursday this train stops all its operations. The scheduled departure time of Rupsa Express train from Jessore station is at 8:12 and the scheduled time of arrival at Rajshahi station is at 10:12.

Frontier Express (747)

Another inter-city express train plying Jessore to Rajshahi train route. This train has a fixed schedule and runs according to this schedule. Border Express trains are closed on every Monday. The scheduled departure time of this train from Jessore station is 22:20 and the scheduled time of arrival at its next station is 0:31 if all goes well.

Sagardani Express (761)

An intercity express train operates on this route from Jessore to Rajshahi. This train may be very familiar to those of you who regularly travel from Jessore to Rajshahi. Public holiday of this train is Monday and if everything goes well the scheduled departure time of this train from Jessore station is 17:12 and arrival time at Rajshahi station is 19:30.

Chitra Express is another intercity express vehicle plying on this route. Chitra Express (763) closes every Monday. Chitra Express train’s scheduled time of departure from Jessore station is 10:02 and scheduled time of arrival at Rajshahi station is 12:28 if all goes well.

Jessore to Rajshahi Train Schedule Mail Express

There are three mail express trains running from Jessore. Now we will tell you the specific schedule of three mail express trains. Three trains run daily with no holidays. Mahananda Express (15) scheduled time of departure from Jessore station is 13:05 and scheduled time of arrival at Rajshahi station is 16:28.

Rocket Express (24) scheduled time of departure from Jessore station is at 10:50 and scheduled time of arrival at main station is at 15:10. Nakshikhata Express (25) is scheduled to leave Jessore station at 3:55 and reaches Rajshahi station at 7:10.