Ishwardi to khulna Train Schedule Today 2023 Ticket Price, Time, Booking

Through today’s article we will present to all our readers the detailed information about the trains available from Ishwardi to Khulna. You will not find this information if you search here and there. You have to enter the right place to get your information. If you visit our website well, you will understand that you have entered the right place for train related information.

Through today’s article, a reader will know which trains are available from Ishwardi to Khulna. You must read our complete article carefully to know the detailed information regarding when you can board these trains and when you can go to Khulna. Without further ado let us proceed to discuss this matter in detail.

Ishwardi to Khulna Train Schedule Intercity

Now we are going to present to you the schedule and schedule of the intercity express train that runs from Ishwardi to Khulna. You must know this information carefully and gather the information you need from here. We are trying to present you information on every train that runs from Ishwardi to Khulna.

Kapotaksha Express 716

There is an inter-city express train called Ishwardi to Khulna which you can travel regularly. But in this case you must remember that Kapotaksha Express train weekend is Tuesday. You can travel on this train on other days except Tuesday. The scheduled departure time of Kapotaksh Express train from Ishwardi station is 15:20 minutes and the scheduled arrival time of Kapotaksh Express train at Khulna station is 20:10 minutes.

Sundarban Express 726

There is another inter-city express train called Ishwardi to Khulna which you can travel regularly. The weekly holiday of this train that runs regularly from Ishwardi to Khulna is Wednesday. Of course, you have to pay attention to this matter while traveling in this train. Sundarban Express train’s scheduled departure time from Ishwardi station is 13:00 minutes and scheduled arrival time at Khulna station is 17:40 minutes.

Rupsa Express 728

There is another inter-city express train called Ishwardi to Khulna. Of course Rupsa Express is an intercity express train and traveling in this train is very comfortable. However, passengers should note that Rupsa Express train is a weekend holiday on Thursday. Considering that aspect, you have to book your ticket or plan your journey. The scheduled departure time of Rupsa Express train from Ishwardi station is 14:00 minutes and the scheduled time of arrival at Khulna station is 18:30 minutes.

Frontier Express 748

There is another inter-city express train called which you can travel regularly from Ishwardi to Khulna. All of you should keep that in mind on this train weekend Monday. The scheduled time of departure of Shimonad Express train from Ishwardi station is 23:45 minutes and the scheduled time of arrival of Shimonad Express train at Khulna station is 4:10 minutes.

Sagardani Express 762

Passengers can go to Khulna from Ishwardi regularly if they want by taking another inter-city express train. Sagardandi Express train weekend is Monday. Of course, you have to keep this in mind while traveling by Sagardani Express train. The scheduled departure time of Sagardani Express train from Ishwardi station is 7:45 minutes and the scheduled time of arrival of Sagardani Express train at Khulna station is 12:10 minutes.