Dhaka to Ishwardi Train Schedule 2023 Ticket Price, Time, Booking

If you want to go to Ishwardi from Dhaka, you can go by train. If you suddenly want to go from Dhaka to Ishwardi by train, then you can use this article to make your journey easier. We regularly upload various informative articles on our website.

Those of you who are regular visitors of our website must know what kind of train related information we upload on our website. Today we will upload the schedule and ticket price list of every train that runs from Dhaka to Ishwardi. Those of you who visit our website regularly can gather various information today and get your desired information from here.

Dhaka to Ishwardi Intercity Train Schedule

You will have several intercity train options to travel from Dhaka to Ishwardi. Which train you take regularly will depend on your timing. That is why the intercity trains leave Dhaka station at different times for Ishwardi. Today we will present you some of the facilities of those intercity trains.

First of all, it goes without saying that the interior environment of every train is much cleaner than before. Apart from this, there are canteen facilities and namaz facilities that passengers can use en route. In addition to all these facilities, there are some more sophisticated facilities that you can enjoy.

Dhaka to Ishwardi Train Schedule Intercity

Now we will inform you about the schedule of the intercity trains that are available from Dhaka to Ishwardi. Let’s know the schedules without further delay.

Sundarban Express 726
Sundarban Express is an intercity train. Sundarban Express runs regularly on Dhaka to Ishwardi route. Sundarban Express operates six days a week and is closed on Wednesdays. Sundarban Express starts its journey at 8:15 and completes the journey in ten minutes.

Silkcity Express 753
Silkcity Express is an intercity train. Silkcity Express runs regularly on this route. Silkcity Express operates six days a week and is closed on Sundays. The train starts its journey at 2:45 and ends at 7:35.

Padma Express 759
Padma Express is an intercity train. Padma Express runs regularly on this route. Padma Express operates six days a week and is closed on Tuesdays. Padma Express starts its journey at 11:10 and ends at 3:20.

Chitra Express 763
Chitra Express Intercity Train. Chitra Express runs regularly on this route. Chitra Express operates six days a week and trains stop on Mondays only. The train starts its journey at 7:10 and ends at 11:15.

Dhaka to Ishwardi Train Fare List

Those of you who travel regularly from Dhaka to Ishwardi must know about the Dhaka to Ishwardi train fare list. Usually the train fare lists are decided by the government, we will now discuss in detail about those fare lists in this part of our article.

The ticket price of Shobhan is fixed at Rs.245. The ticket price of Shovan Chair is fixed at Rs.295. First seat ticket price is fixed at Rs.390. Snigdha seat ticket price is fixed at Rs 490 and AC seat ticket price is fixed at Rs 585.